Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day! {Remember your first Valentine?}

What a week!! Emma turns 11 on Tuesday but that pales in comparison to what happened to her on Thursday! Her boyfriend, YES, I said boyfriend, Tristen, sent her roses for Valentines day! There's is a love story that was written in the stars!

You already know Tristen! I have been photographing him since he was, oh goodness, 6 or 7? He and Emma met this Summer on Tybee the very day we finished our brief stint as movie stars (HA!) on the Miley Movie, The Last song. They had so much in common, like their love of all things Twilight and waterparks, you know the usual! Little did Angela and I know that young love was in the air!

Fast forward and here we are. We have ourselves with what Emma tells me is an LDR. That's a Long Distance Relationship. Her twitter account recently said... "80% of LDR's don't last, we're that 20%!" Positive thinking, that's my girl!

They are young, but they also live hundreds of miles apart. I think we may have the perfect first love!! ;)

Happy Velentine's Day. See you in April guys!

That's Alana in the background. You know, my other son, Kevin's sister.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing. She was so excited when I talked to her. It's great to see the pics. Mom

  2. OH...MY...GOSH! That is so sweet!

  3. Our babies are not only growing up, but falling in love too! I love the LDR statistics! At least we know that they will have good conversations, seeing as they both seem to be incredibly smart!!

  4. OK, I was doubting it a little, but Valentine's Day is still my favorite holiday...this made my weekend!!!
