Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lisa & Nick's Savannah, Ga engagement session

I don't even know how, in the space of this blog post, I am supposed to describe how very, very special this bride is to me (and I ADORE nick too of course)! I met Lisa at open house in 2005 when she was Emma's 1st grade teacher. It was Lisa's first year teaching and we both acted "grown up" for a few weeks before getting real and being ourselves. {Ourselves being total nutballs, of course!} I spent nearly every day (seriously, I did) in that portable with Lisa and that fun group of first graders. We pulled teeth, went on field trips, checked heads for liceand laughed SO much. Lisa became more than just my child's teacher that year. I count her among my very best friends and I am so very thankful for her and Nick! (they began dating that year too, what a great year, Lis!!) When Nick proposed to Lisa I crossed my fingers, toes and eyes hoping they would pick a date that I had available, and after a little switcharooing, THEY DID! ;)

I can't do a lot of things in this world, but I can pick up my camera and look through it and see happiness, so that is my wedding gift to Lisa and Nick. And forever and ever and ever I will give them the gift of photography as long as my eyes can see. Love you both!


  1. OMG! We LOVE these! We had so much fun, and these came out fabulous!! I am so excited I can hardly stand it! Awww and what your wrote was so sweet, I got choked up! Boy, that was quite a year!!!
    Love you, thanks so much!!!!
    Lisa & Nick

  2. She couldn't be any cuter! What a lucky guy!

  3. It's like my own daughter is getting married,I'm so proud... I love you guys so much! Teresa, fantastic pictures! What a true friend Lisa has in you! Susan

  4. Let me just say "Oh my God!". These are beautiful pictures. You are the cutiest couple. I hope your marrage is blessed. Bethany
