Monday, August 10, 2009

Christen & John's Tybee Island Wedding

Christen and John came to Savannah from Ohio to have their dream wedding on Tybee. Christen and I chatted over the phone and e-mail for months but only just met yesterday! She is such a sweet person and ADORES John! I had so much fun with these two and can't wait to hug their necks again tomorrow when they stop in on their way home to pick up their dvd. I better scoot so I can have it ready. In the mean time, here are just a few images that caught my eye!

Christen is a hairstylist and did her bridesmaids hair! That was a first for me to see!

I won't say which, but one half of this sweet couple was very emotional yesterday! Christen knew it would be this way, so they planned on meeting up before the ceremony for photos. There are two instances when this is a great idea 1.) when there be will no daylight after the ceremony and 2.) when there is the knowledge that when you see one another the intense emotion should be more intimate and private (well except of course for the photographer!) So Christen had John wait in a Gazebo with his back turned and she very quietly walked up to him. PS: Please never let a photographer talk you into shooting photos together before the ceremony just because that's how they always do it. If you want to that's fine, otherwise, not fine. You are in charge. (getting off of my soap box now)

Here is his expression. I was very far away as to allow them their privacy. (and yet here I am showing you!) ;)

closer in...

The brides mother made the beautiful cake!!

Congratulations you two! Thank you for sharing your love story with me!


  1. yet again Teresa you surprise me! Your photography is NEVER typical!! Esp. their kiss with the little flower girl covering her eyes...and the bare foot girls pic. lovely

  2. Oh you and your stalker zoon lense!!!

    Love the pics! So perfect!

  3. I love these pictures! Great job! That part of the beach was right next to my house :)

  4. They are great! You did GOOD!!!
