Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My 5th Grader

I cannot believe I am typing this, but Emma goes back to school today as a 5th grader. I am not sure where the time has gone, but I know that I am so very proud of her. She takes school so seriously. She spent hours and hours this summer reading and her word count is already at almost 1/2 a million! She was required to read 2 books and complete 1 report, well she read 10 and did reports on each. She spent a great amount of time studying the life of Anne Frank and many other children of the Holocaust, and while there were days I begged her to not mention Auschwitz or any of the other death camps, her studies on this subject had a profound impact on her. She isn't your average 10 year old, and I am proud of that. I am the first to admit, I am a NUT job, crazy, certifiable, but I too have a great love for learning and reading and am thrilled that she shares that passion (and she can be a little crazy too!!) ;). At her age, I was stuck on the JFK assassination, so I won't judge!
So as she goes off into the world today as a 5th grader I know she's ready, willing and excited!

Emma did a trial run for her first day of school outfit! Daddy bought her her fancy lunch bag.

Get a load of these faces!!!

I love you Em!!


  1. Oh My, she looks so grown. Can you beleive she is the same age as Brittany was when she started coming to your house after school? Time sure does not stand still.
    She is georgous.. Love you all..

  2. Oh my exactly!!! SHe is sooo beautiful!!!! These pictures are absolutely some of my faves!!! I am so excited she is ready for school...she is going to have a fun last year before middle school!!!!! Just beautiful...that is all I can say!

  3. thanks yall, she is something I tell ya!! hope to see you soon Rave!!

  4. Teresa, she is gorgeous! I mean it. Such a doll! I wish I had her passion for reading! Maybe when I grow up it will happen! :)
